Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

hortatory exposition text

                ‘MY GREEN SCHOOL’


I want to tell story about ‘my green school ‘  Trees are essential to life, the many benefits we get from trees. example: the treesabsorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen that is useful for our life. Trees are the lungs is also the world should we care and we keep our world is becomingconvenient and green. Recently I held a program at school is one thousand (1000) plants. all citizens ofthe school (teachers and students) are very enthusiastic in welcoming the event, weall work together to grow the plants in all areas of the school. The Government is also helping our school program by providing a variety of plants. School has become cooler and more green. And The headmaster has appealed to residents to realize schools create school program icon "School Thousand Flowers" because if only a garden in front of the school but in front of the classroom there is no garden flower marks the school who are not beautiful.The school principal judge, planting flowers, and trees of life pharmacies, needs to be cultivated because in addition to beautify the yard and the environment, is also beneficial for humans. "Trees absorb pollution, prevent flooding, as well as can be to maintain a stable source of water." He explained."We will change the face of this school to be beautiful, beautiful, good in view. For that, I hope the support of all members of the school to realize this program, "said principal Dra. Nursari Siregar.SMAN 1 Cileungsi launched the "School of Thousand Flowers" as a new icon for the Cileungsi area schools starting this year.As an effort to combat global warming, the school launched a greening program "School Thousand Flowers" for the council to move the student teacher / student to plant flowers and trees. Participating principals by assigning all the teachers and students / students planting flowers and trees in the 1000 planting program. The intent and purpose of planting flowers and trees are in addition to planting also helps the absorption of water to avoid flooding and reduce air pollution in addition to adding beauty in our school environment.Some flowers are flowers planted Cambodia, Elephant Ear Flowers and Flower pendant.According to the teachers, the arrangement of the flower garden in front of the classroom well and presentable face will form a school that had been well organized to be more beautiful, and beautiful.  "If the existence of flower gardens along the school yard or in front of the classroom can be realized SMAN 1 Cileungsi will then dubbed as the School of Thousand Flowers that will bring pride to the citizens.  the school said it will spearhead the creation gardens, and planting flowers around the school. "No later than the flowers that we planted in around the school started this semester," she said. The school will also encourage the school to invite all citizens of the school ranging from Masters to the Administrative Staff to set examples for Students / teacher. to plant flowers in the schoolyard. "When teachers and staff are keen to plant flowers, I am sure will spread obedienceda student / student, "she said. 

therefore we should keep the school environment in order to remain green and maintain the existing environment in order gradually to reduce global warming and the greenhouse effect. So we must care for and maintain the plants in order not to die. and will be even better if we increase the population ofthe green plants in our school environment.
Hortatory Exposition
Social function : to persuade the reader or listener that
something should or should not be the
Generic structure:
Thesis : announcement of issue concern
Argument : reasons for concern, leading to
Recommendation : statement of what ought to or
ought not to happen